Circa Adopted 1896
The Daily Adoptee
Find Your Tribe, Find Your Voice.
The Daily Adoptee is a blog for transracial adoptees can find their tribe, write about their experiences and develop their voice as writers. This an online space hosted by Brittany Nash an adoptee rights advocate, The Daily Adoptee accepts submission from transracial adoptee for publication.

We shouldn’t have to live in a country that wearing afro hair has to be “legalized.” Our black and brown children shouldn’t have their future’s impacted because of antiquated “rules” that people don’t want to change even though they are more harmful than good.
But we do.
This blog is going to start with at a simple statement and it is:
Your proximity to someone doesn't mean you know more.
This seems pretty obvious, but sometimes it just needs to be explained and addressed. While I am going to frame this specifically around adoption, it honestly, this applies to anything you don't have the first-hand experience in (ie: you are LIVING IT).
My name is Brittany Nash. It's a passing white name. It's not questioned on resumes or when someone picks up the phone to call me. Because I wasn't raised with AAVE my voice passes as white. But I've watched how people's approach changes when they discover I'm a black woman.
This is just one lesson on how assumptions and racism come into play for me as an adoptee.