Brittany Nash

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Supercharge Your Financial Engine: the Mental Shifts that Shift Your Bank Account

You’re an entrepreneur. You’re on a mission. You dream of having a massive impact on the world and the massive income that comes with it. You have a Michael Kors bag on your arm, but you dream of carrying Louis Vuitton. You drive a Toyota but dream of driving a Lexus or a Mercedes. If you had all the money in the world, you would travel often, give generously to causes and communities you care about, and create generational wealth for your family.

You’re awesome.

But when you look at your current financial situation, you don’t see Louis Vuitton, trips to Bali, or a wealthy legacy. Your progress toward your financial goals seems to be moving at a snail’s pace and riddled with setbacks.

What’s stopping you? You’ve tried one business strategy after another, one budgeting book after another, one social media strategy after another, and you’ve thought about learning to invest…but none of it is producing the results you want. You feel like you’re banging your head against the wall.

Why? Because your money problem isn’t a money problem, and it’s not a strategy problem – it’s a relationship problem. As in your relationship with money.

If any of the 4 components of your relationship with money is out of alignment, you’re going to experience blocks in the flow of money in your life, and you’ll repel money instead of attracting it – without even realizing that you’re doing it. This looks like struggling to get clients, charging too little for your services, having a great sales month and then your car suddenly breaking down, and a host of other things.


So what can you do about this? You can shift it. The four components of your relationship with money are:

1.     Your Money Blueprint

2.     Your Money Container

3.     Your Money Systems

4.     Your Money Strategies

And they are all held together by your PURPOSE. When they are all in alignment with each other and your goals, you will be right in the flow and money will flow to you easily. When they are out of alignment, you experience blocks and setbacks.

Today, we’ll talk about getting the first two into alignment.

Your Money Blueprint

This is what you learned and understand what money is and how it works. Your blueprint for money was formed when you were between 0 and 8 years old, and you’ve been consciously and subconsciously living it ever since.

You probably heard things like,

“Money doesn’t grow on trees.”

“Money doesn’t buy happiness.”

“Money is the root of all evil.”

Statements like those lodge deep in your subconscious mind and impact every financial decision you make without you even realizing it. Since they are out of alignment with the 6, 7, or 8-figure income you desire to create, they will actually stop you from generating it. You will literally sabotage yourself - unless you uncover them and shift them.

Before we get into that, let’s talk about your money container.


Your Money Container

Imagine having a shot glass in your brain. That shot glass holds all the money you can manage and all the money you subconsciously believe you are supposed to have. Now, imagine pouring 500 pennies into that shot glass. Some of them will fit – and the rest will spill over the sides.

The shot glass in your brain holds a subconscious threshold – an amount of money that you can’t surpass without all the excess spilling out of your life. If you’re still in your 9-5, that means getting a $2000 bonus at work and suddenly your car breaks down and costs $2000 to fix. Or a making a $5,000 sale in your business and then taking a $3000 vacation with lost luggage, missing passports, or surprise accommodation problems that end up costing you the whole $5000. The additional income simply didn’t fit in your life.

The bad news is, your subconscious mind is so powerful that you are actually creating all these problems yourself. Your brain does not want you to expand, shift, or change – it wants you to stick to the familiar. The good news is, since you are creating your situation, you can shift it!

What keeps your container from expanding? Misaligned beliefs. Your brain telling you something along the lines of you’re not good enough, you don’t deserve money, you’re being greedy, mo’ money mo’ problems, rich people are bad, you shouldn’t have more money than you need, if you’re too successful your friends won’t like you anymore, etc. A lot of these beliefs are also written in your money blueprint. And if you let them, they will sabotage your business and your life.

The simple solution to shift a misaligned belief: choose a new one. There is a ton of spiritual principles, quantum physics, and neuroscience behind the fact that you can literally replace old beliefs with new ones that are aligned with the reality you want to create for yourself by simply making the decision to choose them. Identify the old belief, choose a new belief, and then start stacking evidence that the new belief is true in order to create a new neural pathway in your brain that supports it.

We’re talking about money right now, but you can do this in literally any area of your life: time, money, love, health, business, success, etc. So grab your pen and paper and start rewriting your money blueprint and your financial future!


Want some more tips on how to unblock the flow of money in your life? Download my free PDF on Unclogging Your Cashflow HERE

Don’t forget to join the Let’s Take Action Business Education group on Facebook to catch Supercharging your Financial Engine Part 2 on January 9th, 2020 at 7/8 pm (central/eastern time)!

Coach Jessica McLean | CEO & Life Coach