The Moments of In-Between | Intuition Design Photography | Mankato Family Photographer
I am knee deep in editing Mommy & Me session images and I needed to take a moment to pause and tell you all something:
Your in-between moments are beautiful, heart-warming, and oh so meaningful.
As I was prepping for these sessions, I asked the moms in my client group what some of their fears were when it came to getting family photographs done.
"My kids misbehaving."
That response broke my heart, but at the same time I get it because I am a mom. I worry about the same thing with my boys when trying to creating this preconceived notion of the perfect portrait.
Well, let me tell you a few things from a photographer's view. Your kids' behavior is not a truly reflection of you, but a reflection of their age, their personalities and honestly the situation.
But how you respond to their behavior. That is a reflection of you and it creates the perfect moments of in-between. Because you get down on their level to chat and reason with them. You caress their hair to share and give comfort. You switch tactics and turn hugs into tickles and sooth uncertainty with cuddles. You'll even tease a smile out of them, you'll swing them in the air to make them smile and laugh. And at some points you give in and turn to me and say:
"That's just....(insert your child's name)."
As photographer I just smile and reassure you that it is COMPLETELY ok, because as I am checking the my screen I am capturing pure gold. Because in your in between moments you are sharing your bond, relationship and emotion with me. It's very uncensored, real and authentic. These moments are what trademark you images as your own.
I thank you whole-heartily for trusting in me to capture the sweetest moments of in-between.