Loving You is Easy & Everything | Central MN Wedding Photographer | ID Photography

Stepping into the suite Erin was getting ready in on her aunt & uncle’s private property near Avon, MN, I could feel her excitement settle over my skin. Her bridesmaids were DJing her favorite music on the iPad as they all sipped wine. Her niece dance around and chatted adorably with everyone while her sister prepped her bridal gown to be put on. All the while Erin was breaking out some dance moves.

Any one who knows (heck, has ever met) Erin, would expect nothing less of her bubbly, expressive personality. Coupled with her mega watt smile and easy going laughter, you can understand how Nick, who is really the ying to her yang, with his calm demeanor and quiet smile set his eye on her.

But you guys…These two together. They just make you feel good.

Watching her pull the best smiles out of her man and exposing his sense of humor on this crisp chilly fall day was FUN. And watching his level of care and love of her reduce her to tears as she approaches him for their first look had me swiping at my teary eyes while trying to capture the moment.

Don’t worry though. She reduced him to the same type of tears as shew walked down the aisle for their ceremony and gave me the most emotional groom reaction I have photographed to date!

Because his EVERYTHING was before him, choosing him, ready to commit to him and beyond excited to do so. And he was ready to choose, protect and commit her too.

It really was the perfect accented moment of these two lover’s day that was structured around having meaningful moments filled with laughter, tears of joys and full on celebration of two people who made loving each other so easy and everything!

ID PHOTOGRAPHY | Southern MN & Twin Cities Wedding Photographer
ID PHOTOGRAPHY | Southern MN & Twin Cities Wedding Photographer
ID PHOTOGRAPHY | Southern MN & Twin Cities Wedding Photographer
ID PHOTOGRAPHY | Southern MN & Twin Cities Wedding Photographer
ID PHOTOGRAPHY | Southern MN & Twin Cities Wedding Photographer
ID PHOTOGRAPHY | Southern MN & Twin Cities Wedding Photographer
ID PHOTOGRAPHY | Southern MN & Twin Cities Wedding Photographer
ID PHOTOGRAPHY | Southern MN & Twin Cities Wedding Photographer
ID PHOTOGRAPHY | Southern MN & Twin Cities Wedding Photographer
ID PHOTOGRAPHY | Southern MN & Twin Cities Wedding Photographer
ID PHOTOGRAPHY | Southern MN & Twin Cities Wedding Photographer
ID PHOTOGRAPHY | Southern MN & Twin Cities Wedding Photographer
ID PHOTOGRAPHY | Southern MN & Twin Cities Wedding Photographer
ID PHOTOGRAPHY | Southern MN & Twin Cities Wedding Photographer
ID PHOTOGRAPHY | Southern MN & Twin Cities Wedding Photographer
ID PHOTOGRAPHY | Southern MN & Twin Cities Wedding Photographer
ID PHOTOGRAPHY | Southern MN & Twin Cities Wedding Photographer
ID PHOTOGRAPHY | Southern MN & Twin Cities Wedding Photographer
ID PHOTOGRAPHY | Southern MN & Twin Cities Wedding Photographer
ID PHOTOGRAPHY | Southern MN & Twin Cities Wedding Photographer
ID PHOTOGRAPHY | Southern MN & Twin Cities Wedding Photographer
ID PHOTOGRAPHY | Southern MN & Twin Cities Wedding Photographer
ID PHOTOGRAPHY | Southern MN & Twin Cities Wedding Photographer
ID PHOTOGRAPHY | Southern MN & Twin Cities Wedding Photographer
ID PHOTOGRAPHY | Southern MN & Twin Cities Wedding Photographer
ID PHOTOGRAPHY | Southern MN & Twin Cities Wedding Photographer
ID PHOTOGRAPHY | Southern MN & Twin Cities Wedding Photographer
ID PHOTOGRAPHY | Southern MN & Twin Cities Wedding Photographer
ID PHOTOGRAPHY | Southern MN & Twin Cities Wedding Photographer
ID PHOTOGRAPHY | Southern MN & Twin Cities Wedding Photographer
ID PHOTOGRAPHY | Southern MN & Twin Cities Wedding Photographer
ID PHOTOGRAPHY | Southern MN & Twin Cities Wedding Photographer
ID PHOTOGRAPHY | Southern MN & Twin Cities Wedding Photographer
ID PHOTOGRAPHY | Southern MN & Twin Cities Wedding Photographer
ID PHOTOGRAPHY | Southern MN & Twin Cities Wedding Photographer
ID PHOTOGRAPHY | Southern MN & Twin Cities Wedding Photographer
ID PHOTOGRAPHY | Southern MN & Twin Cities Wedding Photographer
ID PHOTOGRAPHY | Southern MN & Twin Cities Wedding Photographer
ID PHOTOGRAPHY | Southern MN & Twin Cities Wedding Photographer
ID PHOTOGRAPHY | Southern MN & Twin Cities Wedding Photographer
ID PHOTOGRAPHY | Southern MN & Twin Cities Wedding Photographer
ID PHOTOGRAPHY | Southern MN & Twin Cities Wedding Photographer
ID PHOTOGRAPHY | Southern MN & Twin Cities Wedding Photographer
ID PHOTOGRAPHY | Southern MN & Twin Cities Wedding Photographer
ID PHOTOGRAPHY | Southern MN & Twin Cities Wedding Photographer
ID PHOTOGRAPHY | Southern MN & Twin Cities Wedding Photographer
ID PHOTOGRAPHY | Southern MN & Twin Cities Wedding Photographer