Am I An Influencer | EBON Business Photography & Consulting | The Market Blog

Am I an Influencer? 

This question has been kicking around in my brain as I have spent time brainstorming moves on how to expand the brand that I have created for ID Photography. 

Now, according to the internet dictionary I consulted, the number of followers I have on Instagram and Facebook kicks me out of the realm of wearing the "INFLUENCER" title.

Commence the tapping of my chin in deep thought. 

But I have a particular set of I beg to differ.

(Please tell me you caught that reference to Taken. lol)

One of those skills is that I know how to listen and another one is that I know how to wield my camera to help others not only achieve a level of confidence in themselves but show that confidence to the world through imagery. 

THIS is why I am I KNOW I  am an influencer. No, I don't have 12.5K followers combing my insta for inspiration...heck let's be honest...I don't even have 1K of followers in my little corner of the internet. But,  I have taken photos of and for people who have those numbers and are deemed marketing influencers. And to me that is powerful.

Its always assumed that the "influencers" of the world are the ones who are always visible. In the forefront. Running the show. But, in many cases on and off the internet that is not true. There are times that the influencer has a silent, but an impactful role. She's that person behind the scenes that gives you constructive criticism on your latest idea. Or she's that mentor that meets you for coffee twice a month to help steer yours toward reaching your goals.

And these are only two possible roles she might hold. But the biggest note to take is that her input and time is valued because she has been deemed as influential.

In my case, I help people and businesses reach friends and or clients and send strong messages about who they are...or who and what their BRAND is through imagery.

Now, I don't want to toot my own horn, but I believe my brainstorming about how to expand my photography brand has just come full circle. As in, I should...correction, I AM now providing lifestyle and documentary photography for small businesses....particularly small businesses owned by people of color, because that is a passion of mine.  

And yes I already have a name for this new brand... Ebon Business Photography. Come check it out on Facebook. 

So moral of today's blog post?  Don't let numbers dictate if you can influence someone, or business...not giving yourself that power just might make you lose your next big business move.