Posts in Social Media
Branding with Intent: Social Media 101 for Small Brands & Businesses

How can my business stay relevant with how social media has evolved? 

For entrepreneurs who have a small business, but want to grow it to be a bigger small business, even those who are perfectly fine with keeping their business small, this is a very valid question. But before we can start talking about how to keep your business relevant on social media, we have to unearth some necessary truths when it comes to social media.

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Am I An Influencer | EBON Business Photography & Consulting | The Market Blog

Am I an Influencer? 

This question has been kicking around in my brain as I have spent time brainstorming moves on how to expand the brand that I have created for ID Photography. 

Now, according to the internet dictionary I consulted, the number of followers I have on Instagram and Facebook definitely kicks me out of the realm of wearing the "INFLUENCER" title.

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